Chief Peter Cornstalk was murdered by Arbuckle when he went to the Army camp to speak with him. His warriors would not stay on their side of the Ohio River. While there, he was put into prison and murdered an hour later. Peter Cornstalk II fled to Missouri and settled in Searcy County, Arkansas. It is said that he married Mary Adams. There is a great amount of documentation about this Chief of the Shawnees and also Chief of the Cherokees. Peter II was a man who was a Bigamist. He fathered many children illegitimately. My grandmother was abducted by the Creek Tribe. Her father hid in a cave in Searcy and it is named after him. This is "Baker Cave." This cave does indeed exist. There was a Peter Cornstalk who went on the voluntary Migration, but never made it to Arkansas, or did he? My grandmother was a Cherokee. Peter abducted 2 children, a boy and a girl. The girl is thought to be Diane Baker, the daughter of the one abducted by the Creeks. She was Peter's child. He was abusive to this 3 year old child because she was a spitfire. She carried a scar from his stabbing her once for disobedience. The boy killed Peter II because of his love for this girl.
There is more documentation about this in the Mountain Wave Newspapers. Anyone who has information or old clippings from this newspaper, could you please e-mail me at I will pay or exchange for this information. This information is very important to my daughter and grandson. My grandson has been abducted by this same tribe. THANK YOU!!