I really did not expect to give up something I love so much so soon in my life. I suppose I will never give up Genealogy nor doing research, just not for you to retain for extensive work. The recent loss of my daughter-n-law, the raising of my granddaughters, and the turmoil of our court system has left me no choice.

I have not been able to give one hundred percent to you since the loss of my grandson. I apologize for this. I will attempt to keep my pages up and assist you with your pursuit as time allows. I would love to find someone who could assist others and work off of my pages. If you would like to consider this, please contact me.

Over the next six weeks, I will be doing nothing but research for those who have hired me so, there will be no updates during that time period. You can either contact me for a refund or please let me know you want me to continue, as I will have some assistance during that time period. Please do so in the next few days if possible.

As for the issue of my testifying before Congress, they decided they did not care about the children and what was happening to them, they only wanted small businesses to testify as to the amount of money the government was loosing in tax dollars. If this disgusts you, please contact your senator. Thank you for your support.

Terri Moore